Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp

I have high efficiency 100dB speakers klipsch KLF 30 with mods  
im trying to decide pure class A or Tube amp 
Any Pure class A recommendations will be appropriated especially the one sound good at low volume under 6K MRSP .
SS as i hear the amps, are ~~Dinosaurs~~~ back in the 70's, yeah we loved our Marantz,,,but now with so many stunning tubes amps, its a  easy choice. 
now with your 100db, you could go in any direction, with 805;s, 845's, 812's, etc. . ,  superior match  is a  Single Ended 845/300B combo from Cayin @ $3K.... works as both intergrated and pure amp. 
Thats cayin for ya.
No one has mentioned Primaluna yet. Any reason they wouldn’t be a good fit for the OP?

really enjoying mine at the moment...
Just keep in mind that a 100db speaker plays 100db volume with 1 single watt of input. With a speaker like that, 90+% of audio preamps and amps provide either more gain than makes sense for the system or more power than you could ever use and probably both.

A preamp that would make sense would provide about 6 db of gain and a tube amp would not need to be more than a few watts for most listening and certainly anything over 10 watts is simply overkill and a waste. You really just need enough headroom to stay within the amps ability to deliver what you need and not push it to where distortion increases. 

Classic triodes and triode wired pentodes would be where I would go. 
I’ve been here.  Look into 2A3 SET amps. They will be excellent and as pure as you’ll ever want. Or Nelson Pass’s First Watt series of amps. All you need is 7 watts and you can still drive yourself out of the room.