Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp

I have high efficiency 100dB speakers klipsch KLF 30 with mods  
im trying to decide pure class A or Tube amp 
Any Pure class A recommendations will be appropriated especially the one sound good at low volume under 6K MRSP .
While you can use the hifi front end for video, it may eat up limited tube life, depending on how much you watch. 

I found it easier (if more expensive) to have two amplification paths - one for audio, all tube, and one for video, solid state. Just switch the speaker leads from one power amp to the other, takes 2 minutes.
I’m in the middle of a Classic Class A SS shoutout.  Although my reference is a pair of Coincident 28 watt 845 SET tube amps, the classic SS amps I’m reviewing are really good, outstanding for the cost. In particular, original. Bedini’s (not Mark II or DE) any wattage, Bel 1001’s and a Sodderberg modded Forte 4.  All under $1500.   Last night I had a group of audio buddies over and although they all agree the Coincident amps clearly ruled the roost, the SS Classics performed above their weight.
I second the Plinius recommendation for an excellent SS amp that plays in both Class A and AB (switchable).  My SA100 MkIII was fully upgraded by Vince Galbo, with new caps and various other things.  It is a phenomenal sounding warm amp with the convenience of leaving it on all the time and not worrying about it.  I also have a PrimaLuna Premier HP (75 watts) with EL34 tubes.  That is also fantastic and is maybe 20% better with my Focal Utopia III's than the Plinius, which is also great.  With my Joseph Audio Pulsars, I think that the difference is less.  The Plinius is certainly more convenient, since it is on all the time and no worries about forgetting to turn it off, or tubes wearing out over time.  On the other hand, the PrimaLuna makes tubes about as easy as they could be, with auto biasing, and various bells and whistles.  You just have to remember to turn it off at the end of a listening session.  I am going back and forth between the two and which speakers to keep, so I'm in the middle of critically listening.  If you have any questions, PM me.
With Heresy IIIs I tried 2 Aegirs out of curiosity based on the positive reviews, and it was 2 only because #1 was defective (Schiit sent a new one immediately...great service from those people)...I use a Dennis Had Firebottle HO single ended pentode amp driven by a Freya, and comparing the Aegir to that was interesting. Suffice to say although the Aegir possibly performed as designed, when I switched back to the Had amp...well...really the Aegir had no chance, and was sent home (sad...). I’m possibly or absolutely seduced by the tonal purity of the Had amp, or simply used to it...I seem to need it...Tube Mojo Addiction issues maybe, and this removed me from the path of trying the also well regarded Pass XA25 as another self indulgent experiment. Maybe I could borrow one of those...otherwise...meh...
I’m all in on tubes but many NOS sold are fakes and to get ones that are not are is both difficult and can cost more than the amp . And do so more than once.

I have the Pass X-25 many times and to my hears it is a bit too warm . Of course it's only my ears .