I second the Plinius recommendation for an excellent SS amp that plays in both Class A and AB (switchable). My SA100 MkIII was fully upgraded by Vince Galbo, with new caps and various other things. It is a phenomenal sounding warm amp with the convenience of leaving it on all the time and not worrying about it. I also have a PrimaLuna Premier HP (75 watts) with EL34 tubes. That is also fantastic and is maybe 20% better with my Focal Utopia III's than the Plinius, which is also great. With my Joseph Audio Pulsars, I think that the difference is less. The Plinius is certainly more convenient, since it is on all the time and no worries about forgetting to turn it off, or tubes wearing out over time. On the other hand, the PrimaLuna makes tubes about as easy as they could be, with auto biasing, and various bells and whistles. You just have to remember to turn it off at the end of a listening session. I am going back and forth between the two and which speakers to keep, so I'm in the middle of critically listening. If you have any questions, PM me.