Pure®Harmony RCA Plug

Just finished installing these on my Stagger Silver Solids interconnects and they are simply amazing.

The Staggers were already very good, but adding these rca's has elevated them to a whole new level

Details are abundent across the board and the dynamics are extremely crisp without being brittle or edgy.

Violins are very smooth with much more body.

They take the "bright" out of silver IC's without sacrificing details.

They also extend the bass response and improves on control.

Dynamics- about as good as you will get - amazingly fast

If you have the Canare RCA's on your staggers you will be amazed by the improvements the Pure Harmony will make.

Just Google KLE Innovations and checkout the reviews on their products

Amazingly good stuff

What interconnects do you think the Stagger Silver Solids interconnects with Pure Harmony Plugs are better than :=)
Hi Williewonka, I have done the following with the KLEI Pure Harmony RCA plugs :) ... 2 twisted pair Cat5 (blue and brown pairs) for the ground (-) and single for the Signal (+) ... TME, sounds good :)

I have a picture but I don't know how to attach/upload it... do you :)
Yping - I am into making my own IC's, but the Stagers + PH are significantly better than my Van den Hul D102 mkIII + Furutech RCA's that I have.

By "significantly" I mean the difference between night and day - the VDH performed to a much lower level than the Stagers with the PH

To get a picture displayed the only way I know how to on Agon is to setup a system - click on my "System" link for an example.
