Purist Audio & Stereophile

I often wonder why Purist (particularly Dominus) never rate a mention in their recommended interconnects/speaker cables when they wax absolutely lyrical about Nordost, Harmonic Tech, Synergistic, etc,(even Radio Shack get a mention)and other cables that I (and obviously others on this forum) think are blown away by Purist, especially Dominus.
Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by twl

There could be many reasons why certain products get articles and awards and others don't. However, one thing is for certain. None of these reviewers or magazines have heard every piece of gear out there. So, therefore, you cannot place as much importance on what they say as many people would like to do. Their "ratings", "awards", and opinions do not hold any special "magic" when it comes to how a component will perform for you. It probably means that it is at least an OK product that may be worthy of an audition. They can't make any definitive statements because they have not heard everything. It is opinion only, just like the posts here on Audiogon. If you agree with their opinions, then fine. Personally, I think that many extremely good sounding products don't ever get reviewed or rated by Stereophile, even when they have penetrated well into the mainstream on their own merits, and have attracted alot of consumer attention. Why?