Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous

I now have a Dominus powercord on my Gryphon Antileon and the Dominus digital between my krell dt10 and Ref64. Since I can't afford more dominus cables I will get me a Aqueous powercord for the drive and dac and one for my pre (krell krc-hr)
But I want more ! so I'm very much in doubt of interonnects and speakercable. I've read many reviews here but I can't make a choice between the Venustas and Aqueous. I do need 2 interconnect and a cable to my Avalon Ascendant. What I want:

Price between the to cables is not an issue
I do love a wide and open mid and high
I don't need any more slam or foundation in the bass

Is there someone who can advise me on this ? I've been talking to Jim several times now but I just can't get it clear.
Some more food for thought. I to have tried many of pc's ,
Interconnects , & SC's. To add to the last thread the Cardas
G.Ref. is a very nice pc & would do many of system justice & is worthy of one of the best.
But, in my system the Purist Dominus & Anniversary are my hands down favorite. If you can , I would recommend you try them in your system, you may be suprised.
As it goes, each system is different & everyone has an opinion.
Good luck in your search
Hi, very nice system, to be alike to my electronic ,
I m KPS-20 t, Reference64, two KBL dual mono & Krell 300S
My speakers is Sonus Faber, Extrema, Im to sell Purist in
My recomedation is Dominus IC or Aqueous IC , Im used one
Dominus for KBL y KSA300s and one Aqueous for DAC and Transport, my power cords is Purist20 Anniversary for KSA300S and Aqueous for Reference 64 I replaced is power cord, next week I coment to improve.
Good luck , plese to wait to ask
Sorry for sliding in on a banana peel;)
I am looking for both interconnect and loudspeaker wire.
I am most certain, a set up that is calm, giving a bettter body in the upper mid and upper bass, paired with a sense of remoteness soothing down a quite forward top end.
Am i assuming correct, that Venustas could be an something to check in?
Any other recommendations of models and brand of cables?
Inpieces -- to your question, a tentative 'yes', but it would help to know what your system consists of.
So many seem to recommend aqueous but, is the bass not better with venustas? also, I was told it is a more musical cable...that should count for something. And what if you have forward sounding speakers like I have (Elacs) seems Venustas would be perfect.