

Responses from bobrock

What speaker cable for Martin Logan motion series (AMT) tweeter.
Thanks for all the feed back everyone.   
What speaker cable for Martin Logan motion series (AMT) tweeter.
I think Mogami are light on bass and not the best in mid-range. Also, not the most quiet cable. I had the chance to audition Kimber 12 KTC, Analysis plus oval 9, and Shunyata gamma . Now I am really torn. All have their attributes. A friend recomm... 
What speaker cable for Martin Logan motion series (AMT) tweeter.
I dont need to biwire, I am using some cheap Mogami now. I can go up to $1,000 for a pair of speaker cables. I just don't want anything to sound too bright.   
What speaker cable for Martin Logan motion series (AMT) tweeter.
Thanks, I just picked up a Musical Fidelity A1 integrated. Class A. New version. I never tried the upper line of Cardas cables. Man, you know your stuff.   
Caveat about the Cable Company return policy
I think they have gone downhill indeed. If you go to their site and fill out their cable recommendation page, they never get back to you. I haven't bought from them in 10 years. Don't plan to either.    
Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty
Aren't most tube amps a little light on the bass? I have never heard one that can go as low as solid state. Is that a fair criticism of CJ gear when most tube amps have same issue? 
Kimber kable 8tc or 12tc warm?
Try oval 9-never found more bass from a cable. With their crystal oval interconnect you cant go wrong. Cardas is warm but smears the images-ditto for Purist. They are slow cables.  
acoustic zen reference or venustas
I agree this is a very subjective question. I have no experience with Acoustic Zen but comparing Purist to Nordost (which is the ultimate in detail and definition) to my ears its no contest. I would take a Purist cable any day over Nordost...if fo... 
Triode TRV-35SE tube integrated amp
I have the KT88 version but I replaced the stock chinese tubes with JJ's and Electro-harmonix tubes-big difference! I liked the TRV-88SER for its bass and punchy sound. Upgrading the tubes makes a world of difference. Solid state amps just wont im... 
Purist Audio Speaker cable question
I just checked their website and proteus is now absent-looks like discontinued. Only fluid cable I see now is Poseidon. For the record I own Venustas praesto revision and I agree it is probably their best value in the entire line. It is a great so... 
Preamp gain ???
what if the gain in the pre-amp section is too high and, as a result, generating excessive hiss or residual noise? I have this problem and even the manufacturer states it is coming from the pre-amp section on my integrated. What else can one do if... 
Jolida components: Seems to be many for sale ?
I know this is off topic a bit but has anyone seen or heard The new Jolida fusion/dac? Its not on their website and Jolida said it is replacing the JD100 cdp. Thanks! 
Best Power Conditioner?
I have a sine sa 6 silver cryo...its not a so called power conditioner, but a high-end power bar. It seems to make a difference. 
Best Power Conditioner?
Thats a good point. I live in Quebec where the Grid and the electricity are quite good. I wonder If I need a conditioner at all! 
Best Power Conditioner?
Has anyone tried the Consonance D-15 linear ultra reference?