I used to have both services. I found Qobuz to consistently sound better than Tidal so I only have Qobuz today. i was also using these services through a streamer with it’s own app (in my case at the time Auralic Lightning DS). Using either service is seamless through the streamer app - meaning that the software deficiencies mentioned above were not an issue for me.
I would also note that Roon is not particularly transparent. I used to be a subscriber but dropped it when I compared streams from Roon with the same using the native app Lightning DS. It wasn’t close. So, it’s possible that the differences between Tidal and Qobuz for some are being masked by Roon for those using that platform. Of course, Roon’s interface is the best out there, but it may be negatively impacting the sound for some.
But there’s another issue - and that’s what artists actually receive from various platforms. Tidal and Qobuz are vastly better than the others. But in this case, Qobuz wins again. A quick search will show that Qobuz treats artists the best of all the major platforms.