
Responses from mgrif104

Korf TA AF 10 tonearm feedback?
Thanks all for the feedback. Seems consistent with an owner’s experience on WBF. I decided to go the Tri-planar route.  Best,  
T+A MP 200 with T+A Dac 200 Synergy
I thought some others might chime in here on the synergy between the two units. I only have experience with the DAC 200. At anywhere near its price range, it was the best I heard. I’m sure others may have a different view. However, for me, musical... 
Qobuz vs Tidal
@kennymacc +! Great point on Roon Nucleus plus which i never tried and which certainly should be optimized to run Roon without any loss in transparency.  While my gear was Roon certified, it certainly had a deleterious effect on the sound vs the... 
Qobuz vs Tidal
I used to have both services. I found Qobuz to consistently sound better than Tidal so I only have Qobuz today.  i was also using these services through a streamer with it’s own app (in my case at the time Auralic Lightning DS). Using either ser... 
Dynamic Duo: T+A DAC 200 and Lumin U2 (not the mini)
@ready4audio  congrats! It truly is an exceptional DAC. I’m sure plenty of people would prefer the DCS or Playback Designs (or others). But there is certainly a reason why this DAC is so well regarded by users and reviewers alike.   
Sonus Faber Upgrade worth it
@ghdprentice +1 I actually own both sets of these very speakers in two locations and compared them directly at the dealer before I purchased either. The Olympica Nova series are very good. The Serafino is better in every meaningful metric: more ... 
Clearaudio Innovation [Wood] vs Master Innovation
Got it - nice!   
DAC break-in question
@curiousjim  I have not. Before I purchased the DAC 200, I considered the Holo May KTE and based on reviews, but that seemed a risky bet to me. I was able to audition the DAC 200 in home extensively prior to purchase.  The closest I’ve come is l... 
Clearaudio Innovation [Wood] vs Master Innovation
@dwette  Thanks for the feedback. Quite helpful. can you clarify what model you had previously? (First sentence, second paragraph). Best,    
Clearaudio Innovation [Wood] vs Master Innovation
@dwette  I see that no one responded to your post unfortunately. So - may i redirect your post? I am considering purchasing an Innovation. May I ask - did you upgrade and what were you looking for in the upgrade? What arm you have on your table a... 
Kef blade 1 meta
@mapman - nice! And thanks for the links. You must have a fairly big room w/ the new CLS drivers. I assume the can has the super tweeter in it, too. Correct? Best,    
Any comments on the T+A PA 2000 R integrated amplifier?
@hgeifman  I think I can help. I used to own the R2000. If the listing is from Perotta consulting, that was the integrated I traded in for the T+A PA 3100 HV model.  The R2000 is very smooth and a bit on the warm side of neutral. I bought it new... 
Kef blade 1 meta
I hope to audition the Atma-Sphere class Ds in the next week or so. I’ll try to remember to report back here my findings. If I like them, I’d use them in a 2nd system which is a more intimate setting. Musicality first. Authority and impact are not... 
Directional wires/cables
@mclinnguy +1  
Moon 390 Network Streamer
@singere  Thanks for the kind words. It’s been an evolution for both systems. I started out relatively simple but, like you, heard some things I couldn’t “unhear” which led to upgrades. I’m pretty much done in system 1, but system 2 is in the mid...