Quack System Upgrades

Ok, so what's the most ridiculous "SNAKE OIL" upgrade you have come across?

Let the fun begin HAHAHA :) :)

Not as funny, but still a good one Geoff. A "quantum" leap forward in technology for sure.
Morphic Message Foils are pretty funny. Maybe not laugh out loud funny.



Quantum Tunneling sounds like a tweak but is real...

Quantum Tunneling as concocted by SR might be real but it's not quantum tunneling.

Hi Randy and Geoff,

I personally witnessed Ted zapping an AC receptacle with the Tesla coil. Very impressive, but I would not venture to argue as to whether this meets the criteria for true "Quantum Tunneling". What I do know is that I have sent items to SR since for the Tesla-coil zapping and once re-installed, they imparted an improved sense of frequency extension, openness and soundstaging to my system.

Randy, Iā€™m afraid that I did not do a blind/double blind test (impossible due to the time lag) so my impressions are completely subjective and subject to expectation bias.

Best to you both,
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