Quad 2905 ESL Arcing Sparks

Hi Folks,
I was listening to the Sirius XM internet stream and turned the gain up on Amarra SQ+ when popping occurred in my left Quad. I then saw sparks arc across the middle of the speaker. I eventually figured out that I should cut everything off and unplug the speaker. I waited for a while, I turned the speaker back on and then heard distortion coming from the speaker. Is there anything I can do?

Showing 6 responses by bdp24

I seem to recall reading that the newer Quads such as yours have a protection circuit that is sacrificed to save the panels from damage in case of severe overload, and that after the circuit has engaged it needs to be replaced. Something like that. Perhaps Mobile Fidelity (the new U.S. Quad distributor) can help.
New panels every few years comes with Quad ownership, it seems. With the old 57's even more so! Mine are in storage, replaced by Eminent Technology Magnetic-Planars (like Maggies, but double sided magnets for push-pull operation, like ESL's).
That is great news Goofyfoot, I'll have to look into that. I already have the Quad voltage clamps which limit the input to them.
Goofyfoot, the voltage clamp is just a simple electronic limiter I believe, allowing only a certain amount of, duh, voltage to pass through it, to prevent the 57's panels from arcing. There is no button etc. to reset after it has engaged, but I did hear that the clamp itself can be damaged from repeated high voltage levels, then needing to be replaced.
I'll bet when your amp has shut down it was because of the typical ESL brutal impedance/phase angle it presented to the amp. If I was going to get a new pair of ESL's, or amps for a pair, I'd look into the Roger Sanders stuff. His amp is made specifically for ESL's, as are his speaker cables. I heard his speakers at this years T.H.E. Show in Irvine and loved them.