Quad ESL 2805/2905

Greetings to all,
Somebody possesses the information rather Quad ESL 2805/2905. How to receive the detailed information on Quad ESL 2805/2905 (including the price)?
They will replace Quad ESL 988.989?
The new Quad 2805/2905 first appeared in Hong Kong & Milan shows. The third time was in Belgium and the price quotes have been taken from a very short report about the show.
The 2805/2905 are 1 & 1.5 meter height respectively, with 4 & 6 panels (ditto) costing 3400 & 4250 Euro (ditto) sharing the same (heavy) metal construction to eliminate vibration.
As for the way they are built, the differences between them & the 988/989 (beyond dimensions), whether the price is for one or a pair or the relations with the current models & their future - nothing have been said till now.
Availability: end of 2005. It seems that they will make their US debut in C.E.S.