Quad panel outlet - can I do one circuit on this?

Can I do a 20 amp dedicated circuit to four outlets in a quad panel on the wall?

I guess that means one circuit breaker would be wired into 4 spots to plug something into.





IMO, two 20 amp circuits feeding a double outlet is overkill. Use the other 20 amp circuit for the other location! Total up the  amount of watts that  will be used at each location and I doubt it would even come close to 2400. That's my take on your situation!

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Yes, a single 20 amp circuit can feed multiple 15A outlets.

I wouldn't do fancier than that unless you want to step up to using a single 20A/220V circuit and a step down isolation transformer in the room. :)

Until quite recently I was using three 20A circuits to fed three duplex outlets with four pieces of gear on them. I did the experiment of putting all four pieces of gear on one 20A circuit & tripped the other breakers to ,off (when I listen there is nothing else operating on that leg of the breaker panel) and although it is not a kick-in-the-balls change, I do believe I prefer the single 20A system.

Prior to performing the above experiment I was not predisposed to believing I would like one more than the other. As a matter of fact I was hoping that I would like the three 20A system better.

Of course, you didn’t ask about three circuits vs one circuit, you did ask about two vs one, and I did not try my system on two.


I'm a little confused on this point. You had all your gear on one dedicated line versus having it spread around to 3 dedicated lines.

I understand not much of a difference which may speak to nature of the gear and your system and overall electricity quality.

But I think most might prefer the three dedicated line approach if you can do it.