Quality recordings of reggae/ska and alternative

I need help expanding my "reference" cds of reggae, ska and alternative rock; I'm interested in those with the highest quality recording and wide soundstage (if possible with this genre of music!). Does near audiophile quality exist for these genres? What are your recommendations? Some of the favs in my collection are: Cake, Ben Folds, Beck, Bare Naked Ladies, Bob Marley Legend, Steel Pulse, They Might Be Giants, Muse; I could go on with my list but want your suggestions on music that sounds great on 2 channel audiophile systems. Thanks!
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If you really want to expand your horizons; you should give the Jazz Jamaica All-Stars a listen! In particular; 'Massive' & 'Double Barrel'. Big Band Ska/Reggae, beautifully recorded and very well played. Huge added bonus is that one can usually find these on the very cheap on Ebay! Don't be fooled by the price or the seemingly 'gimmicky' genre, this is outstanding music!