Quantum Science Audio light blue fuse; $71, what a bargain!

I wanted to start a new thread about the more affordable versions of these fuses. I don’t doubt that the higher end versions are amazing, but most of us aren’t very likely to be able to hear them for ourselves. Fortunately, pretty much anyone who is serious about building a musically enjoyable and engaging system can get a good taste of what they’re all about.

I’ve had the light blue QSA fuses ($71) in my CD transport and DAC for over two weeks, now. They replaced SR blue fuses, at around twice the price, and easily bettered them. I am expecting one more light blue tomorrow, to replace an SR orange in my amp. I’ll give an update on that, once I get it installed and listen.

Meanwhile, here are a couple quotes from my posts on the other thread:

“What I am hearing is; voices & instruments are more solid and lifelike, with increased natural detail and sense of space, better dynamics, and a more relaxed overall sound.”

“Just got in a second light blue fuse for my DAC. So far, more of the same improvements I got in my CD transport. Very nice!😃 One thing I appreciate is the break in seems to be pretty quick, without any of the nasties you get with some other stuff. Pop it in, and you’ll hear improvements in short order, at least that’s been my experience.”

I am continuing to greatly enjoy what these fuses bring to my system, and am really looking forward to getting the last one in my amp.

I put the Light Blue fuse in my preamp yesterday and listened for a couple of hours. I did not like the sound as much. I then reversed the direction and everything fell into place beautifully. No doubt these fuses are directional. We could hear it immediately and by immediately I mean within 30 seconds of playing my first demo song.
The blue fuse replaced a stock fuse which was also new. The SQ improvement is just so obvious that anyone who cares could hear it after one song. Mids more fleshed out, stage is larger, sense of ease and natural flow improved. I like the Blue and will buy another for my dac.
thecarpathian >>>

I went straight from the SR Orange to the Yellow. The system was already at such a high-resolution level that I thought there wasn’t much more noise left to be removed. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Let’s hear it for the free market. Competition helps to drive it. With the improvements afforded by the Yellow fuse, I can’t imagine anyone beating it anytime soon. But, there are those in the business who won’t be sitting still. We shall l see.

My God ... what does the top of the line sound like?

I’m less than 24hrs on my yellow fuse for my dac and it’s already just fantastic. You get more of everything that you get with the blue. Not one thing is accentuated, just overall ease and flow of the music. Vocals, strings, you name it just sound more real and engaging. 
I’m trying to hold off on putting the purple in until tomorrow...