Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.
@oldhvy - George doesn’t believe in streaming either… just let the guy fade out into obsolescence on his own terms, right before our very eyes…
Well it's pretty simple. Fuse sellers and or what ever else is sold it is NOT ok for George to slam a product. He doesn't even use aftermarket fuses. If he would say "clean, inspect, and replace old fuses with what the manufacture recommends", and STOP it would be fine.

BUT he goes on to call names and infer someone is being FORCED to purchase something that is somehow HIS business.. That's the real problem.. It's not his GD business. BUT he's costing other people MONEY.

Their prices were already WAY to high, you don't have to buy it. I DON'T

BUT to actively tell people NOT to BUY someone else's product..

GOOD BY George.. Enough is enough.. At least they were gouging and YOU or who EVER knew it.. He acts like it's HIS business to ruin other peoples business.. 
I pasted the end caps of my yellow fuse with PPT Total Contact this afternoon.

I played my reference recordings for a couple of hours after doing the pasting. I’m hearing micro details in recordings I’ve played hundreds of times over the years like never before. The low-level articulation in the female voice is stunning.

As TC users know, it takes time, even weeks to sound its best. I’m going to order another Yellow fuse ... this time for the ARC REF-75se.


PS: Mucho Kudos to the lovely lady in the Northeast. :=))
"...there is an arrow on the fuse tube." So what! All AC voltage/current is unidirectional! 
"...you better be prepared to have your mind blown." Warning: Do not eat the brown acid!