Quatro Wood setup help

I'm looking for audio tech in San Francisco Bay Area who familiar to set up Vandersteen Quatro Wood specially its room correction function in my home space. Any advise will be appreciated. 

Best Regards
The hyper benefit of Vandersteen powered bass is 11 bands of analog room tuning so you can fix most room nodes while optimizing placement for imaging ! And relieving your main amp of the massive requirements associated with low low bass.
for grins listen to your speakers with just the subs playing..... not much there...
it is no wonder the chicks never fall in love with the bass player....

a high quality molded connection will out perform a poorly assembled fancy connection that also probably has a stiff heavy inflexible cord, looks fancy audiophile but look closely at the IEC connection- bet it is drooping which may mean crappy connection.....

my buck firty....
Put your outlets in upside down.  That helps greatly with the leverage of the heavy plugs.  I also use a piece of wood on the floor to the plug to hold it up, lol. :). CHEAP audiophile tweak. 
As an aside...ballpark, what is a reasonable price for a dealer in home tuning of the QW CT's?  The dealer is 1 hr from my location.

I would set the speakers up and burn them in, in advance of the dealer arriving.