Quboz vs. Tidal: Tanika Chalres : Papillon De Nuit

AKA: The Night Butterfly.  strong bass beats from the very first notes.  If you have a chance, please listen to it on Quboz and Tidal and tell me if you hear a difference.  Does one sound more funky?



Have you listened to 

Vanessa Fernandez - I Want You
Also available (Hybrid Stereo SACD)

Qobuz vs AmazonHD  "Right on for  the darkness"

What ya think?

I don't have a good way to stream Amazon HD, it's a limitation of Roon I'm afraid. I'll check it out on Quboz

One other album I should also recommend/listen to is Trombone Shorty's Parking Lot Symphony


I don't have Tidal so I can only run what I brung...

Qobuz is just much more dynamic than Amazon.  The drums on "Ain't No Use" are there with Amazon but they don't jump out at you as they do on Qobuz.

I'm still trying to get my settings right as Qobuz keeps crashing but I'm closer.  The issue now is in the middle of a listening session it just stops and spins.  I don't remember Amazon ever doing that.