Question about Morrow ICs?

Are there significant differences between the various models MA1-MA6? Thanks!
Hi all. Mike Morrow is correct in his statement above. My MA3s(and MA1s in another system)offer a quick, detailed and extended bass that I have never experienced before with all the cables I have listened to throughout my years. However, it is not just the bass. These cables are truly "not there". My MA3s have elevated my system to a point that leaves me wondering what was all that smearing I was hearing prior to this change. I cannot stress, again, how important the long break in time is on these cables. I also promise to all that I am not a dealer for Morrow(although I would be pleased to be). Take advantage of his 60 day money back guarantee and have an opportunity to really listen to your system for(at least for me)the 1st time. Thank you, Mrdecibel...
Reviving an old thread with a question. Getting ready to install my MA2's that arrived today w 5 day burn in. The website and the paperwork with the cables states that their cables are designed not to be moved after install and that it may take a day or two to settle back in if you do.

I have my tube amp in a cabinet and I slide it out about 10 inches when I listen so it is uncovered for cooling purposes. I almost didn't order these but the gentleman I spoke with said that would not be a problem. Would like to hear some opinions on whether moving a cable can throw off the sound?

I was expecting something more plain Jane but these are really custom looking. I'm excited to see how they sound.
If you can hear a difference and prove it in a blind set up I will donate $1
million dollars to your favourite charity.

Just enjoy the cables and try not to be an anal audiophile. Enjoy your music
and be content that you can afford a nice music playing system.

P.s. I own both MA2, MA4 and SP4 cables.
Tom that was my initial impression, that it would not make a difference. Never heard that moving a cable could change the way a system sounds.

I asked because the specifically state the cables should not be moved and that it may take 1-2 days for the sound to return to what it was. Wanted to hear opinions on that.
Hi Bajaed

I own various Morrow Audio ICs ranging from the 1.1 model to the MA2 level. IMO the reason why I think Morrow says they should not be moved around so much is these ICs seem more delicate than the other cables I've owned in the past. If you yank them around roughly I think they could get damaged impacting the sound. Again this is just my opinion.

I've used the Morrow Audio cables with a Jolida JD-502P KT-88/KT-120 tube amp or Hafler 9505 solid state amp and have never had any problems sound wise.