Question for Ex-Maggie Owners

Im curious to know what made you decide to change.
Im sure you, like most of us, change components for the sake of something new or a different "flavor" but was there
something that you grew to dislike as time went by with your Maggies.
Thanks for help,
I still, 15 years later, miss my Magnaplanar Tympani 1Ds. Moved. No room. Haven't had the space, since. If I did, (and the $$$, takes some VERY serious wattage to fun these babies the right way) I would get the MG20.1s in a heartbeat. peace, warren
Back in 1976 I bought Tympani I-C's after selling my
Bose 901's (I know, I know....) They were fabulous, but
I was overcome a few years later with upgradeitis, and
sold them. About 10 years and a few speaker systems
later I bought Magnepan MG-IIIA's which I owned for about
eight years. A few other speakers later I bought Magnepan
1.6QR's which I still own. My next upgrade will probably
be 3.6R's. I've owned lots of speakers, but keep coming
back to the Maggies. There's magic in them panels........
Started off in this madness with Maggie SMGa's and went to the 1.4's. Went to Thiels, Von Schweikerts, Definitive, horns, B&W's, and maybe some others that I forgot. When I heard the 1.6 Maggies I knew I was home again. I change audio gear like changing clothes. I have had my 1.6's almost 5 years. Just sold them last weekend to upgrade to 3.6's.

Good luck.
The high frequencies were to harsh in my system. I had to cover up any piece of glass in the room.