@lewm It is no secret, I have a means of writing on this forum, that is long winded (prolix), I make such a claim unashamedly, and for such I receive comment.
Additionally, I quite enjoy using Capitol Letter whilst structuring a sentence, it is my choice to not restrict a Capitol to a Proper Noun and to stray into poor Orthography.
The forum does not bind individuals from having a display of Poetic License or to Wax Lyrical, I enjoy this injection of unruliness used in a selection of my Posts.
None of the above matters, if the content put forward has enabled another to ponder something described a little deeper, and adopt a method that has been presented. My own personal mail box is testament to others on occasion informing the Penny Dropped and an idea is now being sought through to a realisation.
There is very little discovered within this forum to discourage me to be something different. My observations of this forum, before becoming a member and as a member, leaves me with the understanding the fundamental is about encouraging inquirers to spend, and it does seem to me prior to my joining this was a direction steered from those with concealed agendas, there is no doubt, a period within this forum where a unbalanced period was dominated by members with a commercial interest in the outcome of inquiries made within a thread.
Some got so blase, the approach was almost a sales pitch with some sort of elaborate description to be excused for such a Cold Calling Attitude.
I joined this forum to counter such an attitude, and share alternative info, based on experiences had only, and at worse, based on experiences described by known and very trusted individuals.
I am always encouraged, to participate in this forum, there is a lot that can be shared, even if a little repetitive, that will hopefully, encourage an individual to optimise what they possess as an audio set up, for not too much of a financial outlay, prior to throwing substantial monies at items, that are not encountered in advance and only a fantastical perception of its performance is the faux experience that has developed.
There are hostilities to be met, when one steers the idea away from spending, especially within a environment that is quite honed on the concept of spending as the solution.
Fortunately this member is not a flimsy reed in the wind, there is a bit more resistance to the forces that are around.