Questions Regarding Installing a Wheaton Triplanar On A SOTA Cosmos

As luck would have it I recently acquired a Wheaton Triplanar VII U2, and am waiting on it being shipped. So at this point I am trying to decide what the most favorable table to mount it on, and what arm gets replaced. I have a SOTA Cosmos Eclipse with a SME V on it, and that would be my preferred place to install it. The only thing is this Triplanar has the arm cable extending out the back of the arm pillar instead of routed out the bottom of it. I have to assume the cable is going to have to be routed on top of the arm board and then over the edge into the body of the Cosmos. Not wild about that but do not see any other options other than drilling a 1/4 hole and routing the cable through it. Anyone have any experiences to share if they have installed it on a SOTA table?

My second alternative is to put the arm on my Scheu in place of a Dynavector DV505 I have. That is certainly a straightforward option, with no issues to be solved. However, I have never been fond of the SME V on the SOTA, so this would be my first choice. 


Dear Pindac, do you really feel like you or anyone else is “hounded” on this forum?

@lewm I am not a member of the 'fix it with $1000's gang', I'm on the, 'be investigative' and look at what you are doing with the set up, for some that is a harder method than parting with money without much knowledge of what is being bought into  .

I will usually be on the outside of many a discussion, as the fix is commonly how much monies are to be spent on a unknown product with the chances it has never been an 'in front of experience' by the OP, as well as very likely the recommender as well.

In my Country, that as a practice, has a special idiom reserved for such a practice, and it is not, 'waste not want not' that I encourage. 

Most of us regulars would agree with your philosophy.  There is not a single element in either of my two systems that has not been modified (hopefully, upgraded) by me, and I totally agree with the vital importance of structural elements.  I consider myself somewhat of an audio cheapskate.  But who is being hounded, was my question.

@lewm It is no secret, I have a means of writing on this forum, that is long winded (prolix), I make such a claim unashamedly, and for such I receive comment.

Additionally, I quite enjoy using Capitol Letter whilst structuring a sentence, it is my choice to not restrict a Capitol to a Proper Noun and to stray into poor Orthography.

The forum does not bind individuals from having a display of Poetic License or to Wax Lyrical, I enjoy this injection of unruliness used in a selection of my Posts.

None of the above matters, if the content put forward has enabled another to ponder something described a little deeper, and adopt a method that has been presented. My own personal mail box is testament to others on occasion informing the Penny Dropped and an idea is now being sought through to a realisation.

There is very little discovered within this forum to discourage me to be something different. My observations of this forum, before becoming a member and as a member, leaves me with the understanding the fundamental is about encouraging inquirers to spend, and it does seem to me prior to my joining this was a direction steered from those with concealed agendas, there is no doubt, a period within this forum where a unbalanced period was dominated by members with a commercial interest in the outcome of inquiries made within a thread.  

Some got so blase, the approach was almost a sales pitch with some sort of elaborate description to be excused for such a Cold Calling Attitude.

I joined this forum to counter such an attitude, and share alternative info, based on experiences had only, and at worse, based on experiences described by known and very trusted individuals. 

I am always encouraged, to participate in this forum, there is a lot that can be shared, even if a little repetitive, that will hopefully, encourage an individual to optimise what they possess as an audio set up, for not too much of a financial outlay, prior to throwing substantial monies at items, that are not encountered in advance and only a fantastical perception of its performance is the faux experience that has developed.

There are hostilities to be met, when one steers the idea away from spending, especially within a environment that is quite honed on the concept of spending as the solution.

Fortunately this member is not a flimsy reed in the wind, there is a bit more resistance to the forces that are around.