Bdp24 ...
I could swear that Tower had a large store on Topanga Canyon about a mile north of Shelly's Audio store ... same side of the street. Could it be that they had two stores in the Valley? Remember Record Trader? Or how about that funky little record store across the street from the Van Nuys drive in movie theater? Did you ever discover Brigg's Books? It was a bookstore in the Valley that had tons of used records under the book cabinets.Talk about getting down and dirty! I miss those days of sorting through Aaron's across from Van Nuys high school and Rhino Records on the West Side. The local radio DJ's used to dump their unplayed promo copies at Aarons. Man, I cleaned up on Pablo promo jazz albums there for a couple of bucks each. Rhino was great for Japanese pressings of American classic jazz. Yum, yum! Those were the daze!
I could swear that Tower had a large store on Topanga Canyon about a mile north of Shelly's Audio store ... same side of the street. Could it be that they had two stores in the Valley? Remember Record Trader? Or how about that funky little record store across the street from the Van Nuys drive in movie theater? Did you ever discover Brigg's Books? It was a bookstore in the Valley that had tons of used records under the book cabinets.Talk about getting down and dirty! I miss those days of sorting through Aaron's across from Van Nuys high school and Rhino Records on the West Side. The local radio DJ's used to dump their unplayed promo copies at Aarons. Man, I cleaned up on Pablo promo jazz albums there for a couple of bucks each. Rhino was great for Japanese pressings of American classic jazz. Yum, yum! Those were the daze!