"All Things Must Pass"-Tower Records Documentary

This looks very interesting. I never lived close to a Tower Records, but did visit a few over the years while traveling.

Bdp24 ...

I could swear that Tower had a large store on Topanga Canyon about a mile north of Shelly's Audio store ... same side of the street. Could it be that they had two stores in the Valley? Remember Record Trader? Or how about that funky little record store across the street from the Van Nuys drive in movie theater? Did you ever discover Brigg's Books? It was a bookstore in the Valley that had tons of used records under the book cabinets.Talk about getting down and dirty! I miss those days of sorting through Aaron's across from Van Nuys high school and Rhino Records on the West Side. The local radio DJ's used to dump their unplayed promo copies at Aarons. Man, I cleaned up on Pablo promo jazz albums there for a couple of bucks each. Rhino was great for Japanese pressings of American classic jazz. Yum, yum! Those were the daze!
Oregonpapa---There were three Towers in the Valley---Sherman Oaks, Northridge (destroyed by the '94 earthquake), and Panorama City. There was a Licorice Pizza on Topanga, across the street from the Topanga Mall. Yep, used to go to Record Trader regularly, but didn't know about Brigg's. Rhino was a great store when they had LP's, but not when they switched to all CD's. The same thing happened to a record store up in Marin, Village Music. Great LP store, average CD store. One L.A. store that never abandoned LP's is Record Surplus, on Santa Monica Blvd, still going strong. I've gotten some great deals there.

You are correct. Tower had a store on Topanga Canyon bl. Shelleys had a store on the same street but it was half a mile south. In between the 2 stores was a Toys are us and a see's candy.

I stopped going to Amoeba when I had to go to the bathroom really bad and a security guard told me to go across the street to Jack in the box. Who's runs a huge operation like Amoeba with no bathroom. Terrible management.
I used to go to the Tower Records in Westwood Village, near UCLA.
If I remember it was 2 story. Great jazz selection.