"Glue Cleaning" Your LP's

So here's something I heard about and am getting ready to try: "Glue Cleaning." Apparently if you put a thin film of glue on a record and let it dry for a few hours, the glue bonds to every tiny particle deep in the grooves and you can then peel off the entire glue sheet to remove everything it picked up.

It was recommended to use wood glue or Elmer's glue, spreading it with a foam applicator to keep it evenly distributed. I will of course be trying this only with records marked for "experimentation" (a.k.a. records I hate).

Has anyone heard of this technique? Does anyone have any first-hand experience with it?


Showing 1 response by zero_one

Hi there

Yep, this is a method I advoacted a while back and since then it seems to have got around.

I treat all my LPs to this little trick and it works incredibly well, please note however and this seems to have got lost in translation I wash the LPs after the glue is removed, in distilled water/detergent, just warm using a very good quality 1 1/2 inch paint brush. I then rinse in warm distilled water with a very small amount of washaid to stop any drying marks.

I have tried pretty much everything else and this is the best in terms of the final result-period! IMHO

As yet I have had no disasters or problems and I have done well over a 100LPs to date, probably 150.

Even LPs that were well cleaned by other methods end up being way better after this treatment. I use Sellys Aquadhere (internal strenght).