"Harder" cartridge recomendation

After some time with EMT TSD15SPH, which is basically my first serious cart (along with it's EMT930 platform and 929 arm), I comeback to the question of finding something faster, "harder", more transparent perhaps but I do like "bigger sound". I'm mounting a second arm on 930: SME3012R and I'm looking for a fast cart in 1-1.2kEU range. Phono is a diy 834 with Tribute nano crystal SUT's.

I've been looking at SPU Royal N, but IIRC EMT somehow derives from the SPU family, so it may or may not be what I have in mind.

Any opinions? Thanks,
Nandric, Who said I can't dance? Baryshnikov?

I have been wondering how those few "in the know" would compare the other Holy Grail of no longer available cartridges, the Technics 100C MkIV, to the Mk7f. But that is OT, and I apologize for bringing it up.

Halcro, Top Class want ~$2000US for that Mk7f. More than most eBay prices. But if it's as good as you say, after the massage from Axel, then surely it is worth it when one considers the cost of any modern TOTL MC. On the other hand, you did infer that your true current favorites are MM types, which likely cost a lot less.
Dear Lew, your capabilities are incredible. Like Diogenes
to Alexander I can only say: 'move a little bit out of the son'.
BTW I am sorry for you and Halcro but some LOMC's are better than whatever MM cart there are. Among those I rank Takedas's Miyabi Standard as the best I know. Deed you btw know that the Serbians are not only the 'born warriors' but
also the 'born dancers'? In this sense the qualification 'primabalerina' can be used by Bydldo.
What? I'm not attacked and you started to talk +/- about the subject? I'm surprised!

Halcro, thanks for the input, both on ZYX comparison and pointing to Topclass. I understand that a peace of mind costs, unlike buying on E...y, so if Topclass is trustworthy, that would solve my objections on cart condition. I was trying to find some info on 3012R-FR7 eventual match, but with no success, so if anyone has any experience please speak up. Also, physical connection of this long cart to the arm seems non-trivial. What is the connector type?

Pani -is it the same Yamamoto as the one making teflon tube sockets?

As for Michele Pffeifer underwear, Nandric, ti glupy seljak, I know how to use "search" on E...y....and if you dance like you discuss then I do not want to be in 10km radius from where you dance :P
Dear Bydlo, Your are obviously a Kantian with your a priori
knowledge about dances and carts. No need btw to
insult Serbian farmers because of me. Besides it is some kind of
a permanent illusion that to pay more for whatever item
iply 'better', 'security'... or a smart decision.
Ok, it seems that there would be a precedence on 3012R + FR-7: A fellow called T_bone mentioned that

"I have not found an FR-7fz, but I am happily using an FR-7f on an SME long arm now. "

Would be interesting to learn what longer SME he used/uses and what the combo was able to offer.

Also someone on hifiwigwam, post #287


and the same person on AA


So at least some people did try it...