"Junk" LP listings on audiogon - get rid of 'em

I've been a member of our community for a little more than a year and a half and in that time I have seen a slow degradation of quality in the Classified Section of audiogon - particularly in regard to LP's. I know it's a "free" listing and maybe that's the problem. There are some audiophile listings of quality items but mostly it's just junk. I think it might be an idea to set some standards for these listings. Audiophile-quality records only or maybe near-mint listings only. I'm just tired of wading through scores of "crap" listings...if I want to do that I can always log on to eBay...
Good points, all...let's see...

"Audiophile" quality. True. In the eye of the beholder. Believe me, I am not a snob or highbrow when it comes to this subject...my feeling is that, a lot of times, when a person posts their entire record collection (as some post here) it usually contains a lot of junk.

Your Cat Stevens record would not be in that category and should therefore be given serious consideration by serious buyers...but how can it be if it is "buried" among hundreds of cast-offs?

Rating a record - very subjective. Again, you're right, this would probably open up another can of worms but - maybe, just maybe, if a standard was set some folks would try to live up to it and when they didn't - well, that would be between the buyer and the seller. But, at least there would be some standards.

You know, I didn't mean to start an argument over what was or wasn't an "acceptable" recording...I never said that. Yes, yes, it's all MUSIC - I get it, I get it, no need to beat that one into the ground any further - but, a lot of it is CRAP, with no yard sale to find a final home in. And, when you purchase a record through the 'net, with all the costs and waiting involved, wouldn't it be nice if it was a quality one? You can't see it, so - how about some standards?

Good weekend all!

To Bizcut1: If I "totally missed the point" then you won't mind me starting a thread about the overabundance of ported-bass speaker listings whilst quoting you: "I'm just tired of wading through scores of "crap" listings...if I want to do that I can always log on to eBay..."

Have a great week!
Don't miss the latest offerings....Raquel Welch (Raquel Welch!)Ray Parker, Jr....yeccch!

Check 'em out, people!
I might buy the Raquel Welch just for the cover!
Is it still avaliable?!?!?!?

If I list my Laverne and Shirley "sings" LP on audiogon am I violating the 'audiophile only' proposed policy?
This is not a HUGELY sought after LP but it is collectable and can fetch up to $30 or more.But who would know?
*Some* would look at it and say "why is that scum bag putting a dumb and worthless LP on here"?
I bet lots of those 'worthless'LP's sell.
I say,leave things be.