"Junk" LP listings on audiogon - get rid of 'em

I've been a member of our community for a little more than a year and a half and in that time I have seen a slow degradation of quality in the Classified Section of audiogon - particularly in regard to LP's. I know it's a "free" listing and maybe that's the problem. There are some audiophile listings of quality items but mostly it's just junk. I think it might be an idea to set some standards for these listings. Audiophile-quality records only or maybe near-mint listings only. I'm just tired of wading through scores of "crap" listings...if I want to do that I can always log on to eBay...
Don't miss the latest offerings....Raquel Welch (Raquel Welch!)Ray Parker, Jr....yeccch!

Check 'em out, people!
I might buy the Raquel Welch just for the cover!
Is it still avaliable?!?!?!?

If I list my Laverne and Shirley "sings" LP on audiogon am I violating the 'audiophile only' proposed policy?
This is not a HUGELY sought after LP but it is collectable and can fetch up to $30 or more.But who would know?
*Some* would look at it and say "why is that scum bag putting a dumb and worthless LP on here"?
I bet lots of those 'worthless'LP's sell.
I say,leave things be.