Edavis,I too listen to much symphonic music, Mahler being a particular favoite. My HPD 315's (12" Dual Concentric), in their nearly 2" thick, 150 liter, 200lb. custom cabinets, reproduce low bass (tympani thwacks, bass drum), very well, to the point of startling me on a fairly regular basis. I started my Tannoy project a couple of years ago to prove to myself just how good 12" Duals could be, if the cabinets and crossovers are optimized. This has succeded beyond my expectations, I am set for life, as regards speakers. Besides the two tube amps, I now use a recently purchased Plinius SA 100 MKIII (100Wpc), and it is a wonderful match for the Tannoys, especially in pure class A. I have found it is the current delivery capacity that is important, more so than the available wattage.
I think a Plinius would mate well with your speakers. I got mine here on A'gon for $1200. I daresay you would be pleased with the combination.
Best regards,
I think a Plinius would mate well with your speakers. I got mine here on A'gon for $1200. I daresay you would be pleased with the combination.
Best regards,