If you are referring to Frank Wyatt's website, (the link didn't work) yes, the enclosures built for Dan for 12" Tannoys, that would them, or me. I love these speakers unreservedly. They replaced a very good pair of Dynaudio Contour 5.4's, that I thought I would live with 'till the bitter end, but after owning (from 1970-1988) 12" Monitor Golds in homemade plywood cabinets, which were underdamped, and not having the quality of ancillary equipment that I have now, I felt I had unfinished business with Tannoy. So, I sold the Dyns, bought some drivers on Ebay UK, got the cabs built, lucked into a perfect crossover design made for me by an electrical engineer (also a Tannoy enthusiast).
I built the crossovers using Mundorf S-I-O caps, Dueland resistors, and Alpha Core 12 guage inductors, DH Labs silver hook-up wire to connect it all together.
These speakers continue to astound me, as the spiders on the new cones loosen up (I had new cones converted to the "hard edge" surrounds by Roger of Lockwood Audio in the UK). So the bass extension just keeps getting better. Some friends measured the in-room response, which was surprisingly flat from 20-20KHz.
So, I love 'em, and here they will stay as long as I do.
By the way, how did you know about Frank Wyatt's site? Have you had dealings with Frank? He did a fine job for me, and was great to deal with, a really nice guy.
Hope to hear back from you,