Just to give you a different point of reference, I own a pair of Mackie HR-824 active monitors which I have used for a few years now in sound editing and production work. I love them because they are detailed and image beautifully when they are setup right and you sit right in front of them. They are crisp, detailed and the frequency response in-room is amazingly flat, which surprised the fire out of me.
I picked Mackie over JBL, Yamaha, ATC and Tannoy because I liked the imaging of the Mackies best. I could place sounds on them more accurately than on the others.
Oddly enough, the most annoying quality of the Mackies also is their precission. They pretty much play everything on the album, are very unforgiving. In my opinion, they do not make for the best music enjoyment when just enjoying music.
I picked Mackie over JBL, Yamaha, ATC and Tannoy because I liked the imaging of the Mackies best. I could place sounds on them more accurately than on the others.
Oddly enough, the most annoying quality of the Mackies also is their precission. They pretty much play everything on the album, are very unforgiving. In my opinion, they do not make for the best music enjoyment when just enjoying music.