"Reference" Preamps

Seems like every time I turn my head there's a new "reference" preamp available. Heck, in this month's stereophile there are TWO that are better than anything else out there. Seems like their reviewers don't talk to one another.

Problem is that no one in the press ever wants to COMPARE sonics anymore, but they're oh so quick to throw superlatives around, and gush over dozens of subjective attributes.

I want to upgrade my ARC LS25mk2 preamp and would like to know where to spend my time. These are all $10kish msrp preamps that would hopefully fall into the "last preamp I'll ever want to own" category.

Audio Research Reference 3
Ayre K1xe
EAR 912
Mark Levinson 326

Didn't make my list:

Conrad-Johnson ACT2 (no balanced outs)
Hovland HP1000 (no balanced outs)
Lamm Reference 2 (no remote, separate volume controls)

Would someone care to start offering comparative opinions on these? What other preamps should I add to this list?

Some excellent additional models there.

I've sent an e-mail to Placette but haven't heard anything back yet.

Cardas also suggests that 3-4m of single-ended Golden Reference is not a problem and that I shouldn't use the XLR outputs as a selection criteria.

I'm also going to try and hear the Hovland HP200 and Conrad-Johnson ACT2.
To add my 2 cents. I just talked to Guy Hammel (owner) of Placette because im interested in buying a new system. He is very very insightful and knows quite a bit about the difference of types of pre amps. Everything makes sense from what im hearing about these pre amps. I'm also considering tube pre amp ran in front of a good solid state amp. But after reading about these pre amps and actually getting in touch with Guy on the first call today was great. I just might have to try it. Also to add, some companies that sell their equipment direct to the consumer and they are smaller than the big boys have the tendency not to answer emails very fast because they are busy building awesome equipment. Hope this helps.

I thought I had the ultimate pre amp in the Aesthetix Calypso before I acquired an Audio Horizon TP 2.0,with the nB upgrade.You just can't go wrong here,the only downside is no remote.
Check out the dialogue in this forum or sign yourself up for a 30 day trial,details are posted in the preamplifier tube adds.
Don't forget now that BAT is starting to ship a whole new line of preamps. The VK-32SE, VK-52SE, and VK-52SE/Rex.
The new design is so radical that BAT's famous upgrade policy no longer applies. You cannot upgrade your 31/51SE.

Just to throw some more fuel on the fire. :)