"Reference" Preamps

Seems like every time I turn my head there's a new "reference" preamp available. Heck, in this month's stereophile there are TWO that are better than anything else out there. Seems like their reviewers don't talk to one another.

Problem is that no one in the press ever wants to COMPARE sonics anymore, but they're oh so quick to throw superlatives around, and gush over dozens of subjective attributes.

I want to upgrade my ARC LS25mk2 preamp and would like to know where to spend my time. These are all $10kish msrp preamps that would hopefully fall into the "last preamp I'll ever want to own" category.

Audio Research Reference 3
Ayre K1xe
EAR 912
Mark Levinson 326

Didn't make my list:

Conrad-Johnson ACT2 (no balanced outs)
Hovland HP1000 (no balanced outs)
Lamm Reference 2 (no remote, separate volume controls)

Would someone care to start offering comparative opinions on these? What other preamps should I add to this list?

I've been meaning to call Guy Hammel to follow up on my e-mail. I can understand why he'd want to spend his time with people who care enough to call :)

On the other side, I've had some ABYSMAL experiences lately with dealers for some of the other products on my list. It seems like once you leave the mainstream there are some very strange people carrying the product lines. It really does make me want to either deal direct like with Placette or stick to the bigger brands like BAT and ARC.
Ghunter, I wanted to share my experience with Placette with you as you are considering your preamp change. I owned and loved my CAT Ulitmate MKII (? one of the best) and purchased the Placette passive RVC as I wanted remote volume control and more flexibility in volume levels. I then tried the Placette to serve as a preamplifier. Six weeks later I sold the CAT pre on Audiogon - my CAT JL2 amplifier works very well with the Placette and my sources. I found the Placette to be a very worthwhile alternative to some of the very best tube preamplifiers and at a much lower cost. The simplicity of its approach also has a certain appeal to me. True, they require more attention to system compatibilty (as do SET amps), but they can also incredible perfomance at a lower price. You will find Guy to be very helpful and informative, and from what I can tell, very honest. Good luck in your search.