"The Heat Pipes are coming"... The Heat Pipes are

What is a Heat Pipe? and why you should care. A Heat Pipe( hp from hear on out)is a heat transfer mechanism that combines the principles of both thermal conductivity and phase transition to efficiently manage the transfer heat between two solid interfaces. And why should you in Audio-land care. In short the Heat Pipes (hp) transfers heat from audio equipment and audio listening rooms to make them both sound better. That's a bold statement for sure. But before you boil over and get ready to blast my post, remember there is Heat Pipe (hp) in the very computer or Laptop you are on right now. It's keeping everything in your computer cool inside so it can work as efficiently as possible. A hp contains no mechanical moving parts, and typically require no maintenance. The hp's are PASSIVE devices that are place on top of equipment and placed in your listening room. In short my dedicated listening room with sound reinforcement, diffusers, dedicated lines, and all kinds of isolation devices for my equipment. I Have never addressed the heat coming from my equipment. Since I have all solid state gear, I never thought it was necessary. But when I started putting the hp's on top of my amps near the transformer. There was a noticeable improvement. Then I did the same with my preamp near the power supply the same improvement. Then I put one on all 4 of my players, SACD,DVD-AUDIO,CD, CD 5-DISC players I was sold. The cherry on top was when I put the extra hp's around my listening room. IMPORTANT: I did not have to remove one piece of sound reinforcement when I introduce the hp's in the environment. They just make what's there work better. They look like Aluminum heat sinks with two copper tube coming out of them. I do have one that has 4 copper tubes in it, and looks to be all copper heat sinks included. I even have some that do not have any copper tubes at all , just all aluminium. The ones with the copper tube are better than the all aluminum ones everywhere I compared them at, which was everywhere. So let that Heat Pipe (hp) in your computer go to work and give me your feed back if you think like me that the "Heat Pipes are coming"... "The Heat Pipes are coming".
Thanks! Despite the constant intrusion of the OP I learned something useful from reading this thread.
Thanks! Despite the constant intrusion of the OP I learned something useful from reading this thread.
Exactly. Although I'm not sure what good it'll do me, I've learned quite a bit here also.
Thanks to Jejaudio for starting this thread even though he hasn't a clue what he's talking about, IMO. If he believes his heat pipes make his system sound better and increase his enjoyment, good for him.
Hi, I found a Heat Pipe that looks like the one I have. It is called a VORTEX 752. It looks almost like the 15 Heat Pipes I have, except there is no split in the middle. It is one whole piece. Thanks Timrhu for the kind words (I think). Almarg, thanks for the link. The 1 all copper Heat Pipe I have looks like the one you are showing, except the one I have has a thick copper base plate on the back of it.
Jejaudio, thanks for the clarifications of what you have been referring to.

The Vortex 752 is an ordinary and now obsolete CPU heatsink that was made by Coolermaster, a leading manufacturer of that kind of thing. Here is a link. It sold for about $25 (including fan!) a few years ago, and utilized two heat pipes. It is not mechanically compatible with the sockets that are utilized by current generation CPU's.

Not that it has any relevance to the subject of the thread, but for anyone who may be curious the Thermalright model I linked to earlier uses 6 heat pipes, is compatible with all recent Intel CPU sockets, and sells for about $65 plus the cost of a separate fan. It is too large to fit into some computer cases. It is what I am using in the computer I am typing on now.

-- Al
Hi, Almarg. The Heat Pipes I have are not the Vortex 752. It is the closest to the ones I have. Mine looks like the Vortex except it is one whole piece like the one you are showing. It also has a copper base plate. The two copper tubes are coming out the same way as the Heat Pipes I have. The Vortex, if it was one solid piece with a copper base plate and no split in the middle, it would be a perfect match.