AlMarg, to answer your question as to what the final difference in temperature at the device we wish to cool, would be by using the HP in addition to the original cooling devices, I would hazard to say that there would be NO difference since the main driving force (delta temperature) hasn't changed. The temperature at the 'rejection' end of this heat removal system hasn't changed, therefore there is no increased temperature difference, hence no more heat transfer than before.
Of course, if the cooling system was only marginal and the device to be cooled increases in temperature then the addition of further cooling capacity (which is after all, all that the heat pipes are)might be needed.
Salut, Bob P.
Of course, if the cooling system was only marginal and the device to be cooled increases in temperature then the addition of further cooling capacity (which is after all, all that the heat pipes are)might be needed.
Salut, Bob P.