"This Latest Digital Amp Is Great "

I see this so often. I wish it would happen.
I really think the builders of these amps shoot themselves in the foot, by rushing to market.
How many of these "Last Word In Digital" amps come out, get great press, then start down the modkateer path for hundreds of dollars in improvements.
These things are supposed to be simpler, sound as good or better than all the best analog amps, and be cheaper.
It hasn't happenned!
I understand the concept of building to a price point.
I don't think anyone has come close, except PS Audio, with the HCA-2. They are a bargain here used, in my opinion.
All the rest are overpriced.
I'm still waiting. It'll finally cool off here in Phoenix soon, and my Cary CAD 300 SEI will glow & those 15 watts of 300B will still rule my audio world.
I agree thinking that they're overpriced for what they are. I suspect that's why alot of small companies are making them and these same companies have little experience designing amps so they keep coming out with better versions. Unlike Rowland, Bel Canto and PS Audio who have been designing gear for years. Me, I think I'll just stay with my analog amp til the dust settles.
"Exemplary restraint". Agreed.

Mind you, having built many of these new "digital" amps, the ones based on a certain platform are more load dependent than I would like. I would caution anyone who is disappointed by them to give them another listen on a totally different system.

In addition, their sound is, well...........different. Certain aspects that we have come to expect may sound too different for some tastes. To be honest, I do not have an explanation, only conjecture as to why.
It's not jsut digital amps. Every so often, a product or product category grners all kinds opf buzz for a bit, then a new fad comes along. Look at all the posts a while ago on the European oversampling CD players (EMC, Audio Aero, Audiomeca). I don't see too many posts about them any more, but a couple years ago (?), it seemed like they were the must have item. I'm not saying they were the best, or the hype was unfounded, (I've only heard them breifly in unfamiliar systems), but the hype comes and goes. Be careful not to get too caught up in it, or you can lose a lot of money. It's also interesting to pay close attention to where the hype si coming from. Sometimes, there are just a couple people posting about a product every chance they can. If you're not paying attention, you might think there are lots of different people posting, when in facdt, it's the same guy.