Radio Paradise in FLAC

I switched the new, improved Radio Paradise feed over to FLAC and it sounds darn good. Soundstage seems much improved.
Yes, I've been a fan for awhile.  I was just surprised that changing the setting on their new webpage to FLAC really upped the sound quality, so it should now be CD quality of a deep dig into good music.
It works. I am streaming Radio Paradise “FLAC” to my Aurender N10 server using Apple AirPlay (from my iPad).  As was suggested by Aurender customer support, I increased the iPad’s volume to the maximum.  Music sound quality is very good.  

I am looking forward to the proposed RP simpler solution.  My best guess is RP URL for the FLAC streaming. We will see.
Not sure what the proposed "RP simpler solution" is.  I use a laptop and browser to the latest RP site and choose FLAC in the settings.  I use the same laptop for ripped CDs/JRiver to USB DAC and noticed CDs are playing at 44 kHz and RP FLAC is playing at 48kHz.   To me, RP-FLAC isn't exactly CD, but sounds very good and is easy on the ears. 

Glad you're enjoying it.
FLAC sounds great. Seems to expand soundstage and depth when compared to Tidal. Love the RP.