LOL McIntosh….there are a number of brands better than NAD or McIntosh. Buy what sounds good to you not what some people here say you should buy.
btw I have a McIntosh amp in my hunting camp. Use it 4 times a year. Good place for it.
Rate my system/advise
Edit for spelling advice, advise.
Hey, I am new to hi-fi. I have been building a system, and I have not set it up yet to listen. I demo’d the speakers before purchasing, but with different equipment. I was curious of opinions on my purchases, and what room there is for improvement. I had bought the amp’s early, which are old, and hoped to make up for it with the preamp.
McIntosh MB100 Media Bridge
Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp
2 NAD 218 THX’s (each in bridged mono)
B&W 803 D3
Nordost Tyr 2 IC (MB100 to ARC REF 6)
Ansuz Diamond Signalz IC (ARC REF 6 to NAD 218 THX)
Nordost Heimdall 2 Speaker cables
Nordost Heimdall 2 Power cables
Nordost Reference jumpers
I am about to purchase:
Butcher block acoustics audio rack and amp stands w/
IsoAcoustics Orea Isolators
Rebel Sky Acoustics Diffusers
Auralex Deep6 Low-frequency absorbers