Raven AC one motor

The standard Raven AC has no mat, only copper.

Has anybody done any testing to see if any mats out there can improve (? possible?) the Raven AC?

Thanks for comments.
Ditto to all my fellow TW owners and the responses posted. I use the Millenium Mat supplied by TW Raven and I have added the HRS Record Weight. In spite of TW's insistance that a clamp or weight is unnecessary with his TT, the addition of such is a no brainer and the benfits of giving the record a more secure mooring against the platter are instantly obvious.
FYI - The Raven AC one motor currently comes with the Millenium mat. That may be fairly recent though.

I am interested in opinions on this subject.

I tried the VPI Ring. It did not fit the platter. The record sits on the section of the platter which is copper and the outermost circumference of the side walls of the platter extend beyond the copper portion making the overall dimension greater than the VPI Ring.
I also have a VPI HRX and the VPI outer ring definitely does not fit.

I invested in a Orb ( OEM of air tight old model) LP flatener from Japan. Works well except on new Universal 180gm re-issues.