Re-tubing Audiomat Arpege. Suggestions?

I just recently bought an Audiomat Arpege (not the reference) which came with Electroharmonix 12ax7's and Mutine EL34's. I would like to experiment with tubes and would like suggestions from others. I did a search here and will do a general search on audioasylum for the EL34's but wondered if there are other Arpege owners who have found their favorites.


As far as I understand, the Arpege takes EL34's that are matched by the factory to your specific amp. I don't think that you can put just anything in there. Check with about that.
All the best,
Hi Stuart,
I have owned three (3) Audiomat Amps over the last few years, I have always prefered the stock/original power tubes to change outs with NOS units, this was with amps that used EL-34's and the one amp that uses 6550's.

A good source for service, repairs, and even purchase of original correct Audiomat replacement tubes is Nick Gowan, he can be found at It is my understanding Nick is an approved service center for Audiomat and he will give you honest opinions.

As usual, you may receive 50 different opinions,
Thanks. It seems that the consensus over on audioasylum is also that the factory tubes are the way to go. I read over there that the tubes are numbered 1-4 for the specific postition but I don't see the numbers on the sockets. Is it 1-4 left to right or right to left?
I second giving Nick a call...he knows this stuff. I think he will tell you to stick with tubes from Mutine.
