Recomendation on a small DAC & Headphone amp for office desk

Well I can’t listen to my Directstream / PrimaLuna with my Focal Clear headphones anymore… too far away. So I need a DAC/Headphone amp at my desk.

What do you recommend?

Use case:

    Sub $500 total for DAC/amp
    USB to computer
    Plays all (most?) formats (I will be using foobar and playing my library… been buying some HI Res and DSD)… if I had to give up a format, I would give up DSD as 98% of everything I own is PCM.
    Audiophile sound… yea, no cht… but you know what I mean… most inexpensive stuff sounds dead to me… good equipment has that… um… well you know.
    I just need a volume control and unbalanced out… will not power a system, no other interfaces needed in or out.
    Used stuff is fine
    NO Bluetooth or any other gimmicks
    No other inputs needed, no preamp capabilities

I am looking at the usual suspect iFi Zen DAC V2 (not with their amp), maybe a Schiit… I dunno? I hate this mail order-only crap… dang I want to plug in and try 'em out!!!

BTW, I posted this same question over at PS Audio... I love their Directstream DAC and frequent their forums.

Bruce in Philly
