Recommend me a Class A Integrated Amp (or sound like Class A amp)

I have been rocking a Cabasse Riga setup with a Sony TA-A1ES (a heavily biased Class A design outputting first 15 watts as Class A). I absolutely love the clarity and natural sound of it. I’ve decided to keep to Class A to upgrade if possible because the Riga does not need a lot of juice to drive.

Accuphase Class As are eye-watering expensive in my country, but thankfully Esoteric prices their Class A F-03A at much more reasonable $8600 USD. Luxman unfortunately has stopped producing Class As, so they are out of equation and besides strangely they are more expensive than Esoteric in my country. Pass Labs, well, way out of my budget.

So, for around $8600 USD or less what are my other options if I want a similar sound to Class A without going down the tube route?

I’ve heard the new HifiRose RA180 sounds quite class A like. And I think the Yamaha AS series sound quite close as well. Any more options should I consider? The pricing of other brands should be similar to US.


I'd suggest purchasing a used Luxman 590 AXII or you can't go wrong with an Accuphase. All good suggestions above and it comes down to your personal tastes in your home.

Dude, first up it is best practice to say what speakers you are running.  This is because Class A is spectacularly inefficient that this becomes highly relevant.  (I run Pass X150.8).  Two really fabulously options: Perreaux  - these are stonkingly good somehow manage to produce less heat that Pass.  Second is Plinius.  Again every benefit of Class A but have a cool (and I really mean 'cool') trick.  You can adjust the bias so that you have a high and a medium class A bias.  Watching movies - low bias. Critical listening - High bias.  Actually I should mention Pure Audio (thb, not heard in person, but same designer as Plinius).  This has all the advantages Plinius but a fabulous design aesthetic.  One more option: ATC.  A tiny smidge less than Pass but an uncorresponding tiny price.   

Dude, first up it is best practice to say what speakers you are running.  This is because Class A is spectacularly inefficient that this becomes highly relevant.  (I run Pass X150.8).  Two really fabulously options: Perreaux  - these are stonkingly good somehow manage to produce less heat that Pass.  Second is Plinius.  Again every benefit of Class A but have a cool (and I really mean 'cool') trick.  You can adjust the bias so that you have a high and a medium class A bias.  Watching movies - low bias. Critical listening - High bias.  Actually I should mention Pure Audio (thb, not heard in person, but same designer as Plinius).  This has all the advantages Plinius but a fabulous design aesthetic.  One more option: ATC.  A tiny smidge less than Pass but an uncorresponding tiny price.