Recommend Speakers For Yamamoto

Can anybody please recommend speakers to go with Yamamoto A-08S 45 SET amp. I have some speakers in mind the B&W CM1 and JM Lab Micro Utopia. This is my first time with SET Amp so I don't know how will this Amp handle this speakers. I usually listen to vocal, jazz, pop and no heavy metal.
The comments here are very interesting. I read Darkmoebius comments and agree with their thrust and general guidlines- it seriously helps to know at the very least what similiar products sound like and how well your choices will help you achieve your goal. I would say that sometimes we all have to roll the dice a little in our decision making and if we all follow an always rational, measured apporach to component selection and are not listening with our passion engaged we might be in big trouble with the final result. I ordered the Yamamoto unheard (not received it yet) because I felt it presented a pretty rare opportunity for great sound (there are a lot of mediocre amps out there) and could live with myself if after trying different approaches I felt it did not measure up. I have a good solid-state system already (Naim Nait 5i/Cd 5x/ProAc Tablette or JM Lab Chorus 705s) and wanted a amp with a different take and perhaps some different strengths and weaknesses. I have owned several tube amps including single-ended triode in the past and heard many more so I know a little bit about what to expect. For me, the choice may have been as much about "discovering" the sound as "achieving" certain sonic attributes. Who knows, it may just be fun.
By the way, I ordered Omega speakers for this amp and after a week of breaking them in I can say I really like them.

I totally agree with your sentiment that we have to sometimes take chances on component purchases. But, hopefully those "chances" are made an exducated or experienced reference.

In Rocky's case, he has never heard a SET amp or high effficiency speakers at all. So, jumping in with the Yamamoto 45 SET is more likely to yield a bad experience then good. There are many, many, limitations to amps with that low wattage(as well as benefits). But, you have to know what you are doing to get a satisfying synergy performance in a system.

And, let's face it, SET's are not for everyone musically. There are people who simply do not like the sound at all no matter which manufacturers products they hear. Rocky should at least find out if he's in this camp or not before dropping $4,000-7,000(used vs. new) on the Yamamoto and Zu's.

He needs to at least hear a few of the most popular SET's - 45, 300B, 2A3, EL34, 845, etc. to get a sense of which sound he prefers. There's such a big difference between each.

Then, he heeds to hear a good fullrange/single drive, true compression horns, and even some SET-friendly two or 3 way regular dynamic speakers.

Luckily, he's in a good city for hearing high-eff systems. There are plenty of owners in the Bay Area.
I believe Rocky said this system was for his office when he works overtime. That says background music to me. It also suggests limited space and likely bad place to share with hot tubes. I suggested the Zu Druid because it works well near field, is reasonably full range, highly efficient and has a small footprint. My other suggestion is the Red Wine Audio Signature 30. This is a new, and unknown product to most of you but you should really check it out. Sounds like a SET but is solid state and battery powered. Reviews are available and the price is much less than most SET amps. There is a growing waiting list for these so it would be wise to investigate soon. It is a factory direct product and every one is hand assembled by the designer at this point. Mine will arrive in a few days after a month's wait and I have heard that people are now being quoted 6 - 7 weeks. Hot item with a money back guarantee.
Hi Rocky,
I bought the Yamy unheard from japan and it was the best hi-fi purchase i've made. Its super well constructed and looks much better in the flesh than the piccys let on.

As you no-doubt have picked up, Speaker matching is vital. (I run AVG duos )I think that your suggestion of Druids/yamamoto is an excellent one. Also in my experience the Yamamoto does not run very hot and despite being super resolving in no way sounds harsh or strident. I can now enjoy CD's that I've been unable to endure previously.

I've had a number of amps in the past, both ss(plinius/naim etc) and tube(arc/shanling etc) and the Yamamoto is by far the most enjoyable I've owned.

Happy listening, I'm sure you have lots enjoyment ahead.

Any hum problems like Darkmoemius talks about? Any special setup or operational issues that you have encountered with the Yamamoto? Any advise for interested purchasers who do not have access to hearing it firsthand? Limitations?