Recommendation for higher power tube amp

AudiogoNers - I am interested in trying more tube power with my Thiel CS2.3s, which are hard to drive (~3 ohm load over 100Hz), budget is ~$3000-3500, used is fine as long as reliability is not a big risk, what would you recommend?

Currently running a BAT VK-55 and love the sound of tubes with these speakers, first thought was to get a second VK-55 and run them in mono, but realizing there are several other potential contenders in this price range, including Sonic Frontiers Power 2, Music Reference RM-200, a few VTL models, Antique Sound Labs Hurricane, Jolida Fusion, Manley Snappers, and more ARCs then you can shake a stick at, I thought I'd post the question.

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If your up to putting together a kit  (you can buy them already assembled if you pay extra) look at the VTA-125. 125 watt monoblock tube amplifiers from Bob Latino. I have these and they sound wonderful. Here is a link: 
Bob Carver 350 monoblocks.  It may be a bit out of your price range, but you may be able to find them used.  Just incredible amps!