Recommendation on power amp

I would like recommendations for a power amp for my system which comprises of 
theta digital gen viii series 3 preamp/dac, ayre cx-5xe mp CD player, LUMIN mini u1 streamer, kef blade 2 with a pair of jl audio f113v2 connected with a jl audio cr-1 active crossover, kimber cables , rega rp8 turntable , parasound jc-3 phono stage.
currently using a pair of parasound jc-1 . Thinking of ayre mx-r twenty . Would like recommendations on compatibility of the ayre with the above system .
thanks everyone in advance .

Deleted my post.  I'll just leave it that I consider Audio Doctor posts informative and from my point of view welcome.
Me thinks the poor OP had his thread hi jacked by Both sides of a running dispute.

Let it GO, please
Hi @newtoncr, I recommend trying Mola Mola Kaluga’s, we know that they work very well with a range of high end speakers such as MBL, Lansche, Manger and Boenicke. We haven’t tried with the KEF Blades but I think they would be a good combination.

Are you in the U.K.?
I am based in us, 
I asked John Atkinson recommendation for amp to pair with the kef blade 2 and he wrote back saying the ayre mx-r twenty would sound excellent in my current system.
i am now nearly convinced to find myself a pair of mx-r twenty .
will keep everyone posted on how the combination sounds 
thanks everyone 

John Atinkinson isn’t wrong, but I see no benefit in regards to transparency over the Benchmark amp when monoblocked; the Benchmark has far lower distortion, especially at lower watts where you mostly will reside. The only negative of the Benchmark is the industrial look.