recommendations for SS integrated with DAC for < $1200?

I am looking for a SS integrated amp to drive my Studio-20 bookshelf speakers.
I only use 2 sources ....  ERC-1 CDP and SONOS Connect for streaming audio so, don't need an integrated with tons of inputs.

I currently have a few problems:
1. I am using analog outputs from the Sonos Connect into my Emotiva UPA-2 pwr amp and am using the Connect as a pre-amp (volume control).  While it sounds ok most of the time it is not optimal.

2. I am connecting my CDP outputs into the analog inputs of the Connect and using the Connect for volume control.

Functionally, this works fine but, I want to improve things.  What I want is to connect both the CDP digital out and the Connect digital out into an integrated.  Looking for >50wpc.  My current UPA2 puts out 125wpc but, with my speakers, I think it is overkill.

  Anyway, looking for a good quality integrated.  Budget is $1200 + or -. This for my living room 2.0 music only system.  Attractive and WAF would be good.  

A few questions ....

   Are class D amps audiophile quality?
   Cambridge audio has some offerings.  How do folks feel about them?

 Recommendations are welcome.


According to the reviews, some  posters replaced pretty expensive seperates with the Nuprime and were happy. Aside from the promising sound quality, I like the small form factor and onboard Bluetooth- also I was told an interchangeable wifi antenna would be available for sale in the near future. (At some point I was emailing with the owner of Nuprime, very cordial and returned informative emails quickly.)

Sorry I have not heard it...I'm considering buying the IDA8 to replace seperates powering standmount speakers.


Good for you, looking forward to hearing your impressions. Please give us an update when you can.


Just received the IDA8 the other day.  This thing is way smaller than I thought.
Sounds great!!  I am loving it so far.
My wife is working tonight so I'll get a chance to push the amp a bit.
: )
Awesome! Glad you enjoying it. The size is appealing to me for sure.

I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of it when you have a chance.

Please keep me in the loop-
