Recommended for Americana Fans: Amanda Ann Platt and the Honeycutters

I spend many hours exploring artists unfamiliar to me on Spotify. This week I came across this band. I’d never come across any mention of them before and thought other Americana fans here might enjoy them.

New York born and transplanted to North Carolina, Amanda Ann Platt is an excellent songwriter who’s asserted she’s as much influenced by Springsteen and Tom Petty as by Classic Country artists. Although a cursory listen might suggest the music is Country (due to the presence of pedal steel and mandolin and the overall rhythmic feel), the writing is more sophisticated and not hobbled by adherence to familiar Country tropes. In other words, it stands up to repeated listening. I particularly like "On The Ropes". On this particular record, the utilization of a Strat, incorporating bluesy bends and a Knopfler-esque tone imparts a Rock tinge that is distinctly different from Tele chicken-pickin’.





Steve Earle: "Shania Twain is the highest paid lap dancer in Nashville."


A good joke, but I enjoyed (past tense) Shania for what she was: Pop music with a hint of Country mixed in. Plus production by Mutt Lange, also producer of some AC/DC albums, Graham Parker's Heat Treatment, and Shades in Bed by The Records, all in my collection. Shania is just an entertainer, not an artist (to me at least), so I cut her some slack.




"Checking attention span"... hah! I appreciate a little humor to kick off the day ;o)


"Entertainer" explains a lot. "Lap dancer", I can’t personally attest to.


@tomic601 I thought you measure time/distance as in how far from Stereo Unlimited smiley - understandably 

Btw, I love those vintage audio pics you posted. And I love the Vandies more and more!