Recommended HDMI DVD players for music and movies.

I am trying to put together my first serious HT system. So I would appreciate any recommendations about any mentioned gear. Speakers will likely be Monitor Audio RS8 Silver 5.0 speakers, with probably the new Adcom GFR-700 receiver. Any sub woofer recommendation would be great as well. I am considering a B & W ASW 750. Room is around 17x17x8 with good acoustic properties. As you may have guessed, I am trying to stick to spending a reasonable amount of money on a good system. Hence, no seperates for now. I also do not want to sink mega bucks into a DVD player right now , when there is a format war taking place between HD-DVD and Blu-ray. So, I would like to get a good new or used HDMI DVD player that wont break the bank. I probably listen to music about equal the time I spend watching movies. Although I am not locked into any of the gear mentioned, I can get the afore mentioned gear easily and at reasonably modest prices. Thanks for your input.
Suggest you simply go to Best Buy (or others with money-back return policies) and get one of the several HDMI DVD players available (I use a Samsung with a Panasonic projector & 106" screen) and SEE (no pun!) how you like the video performance.
If the audio performance is not up to the level you want, then get a seperate player for audio.
Good listening! .....AND L@@king!

p.s. suggest you check out the Yamaha 5990 receiver. It retails for $1000 and is also available at BB. (disclaimer: NO connection to Best Buy OR Yamaha in any way) It UPsamples all video to 1080i on the HDMI output AND is a switcher with TWO HDMI inputs.
For my birthday my father purchased me the newest Oppo player and I am thrilled with its video performance on my Optoma projector via DVI connection. This player has been hyped on AVS forum for a long time and I finally got the chance to check it out. Probably the best $200 purchase I have seen in audio or video gear. Good luck. I am happy with the Oppo performance until the Bluray stuff is around and they work out the bugs.
I've seen the Oppo and was pretty impressed with its picture . However, I ended up with a Sony 975, as it's upsampling through HDMI was in the same ballpark, and it's additionally quite good with CDs for the price---and also plays SACDs as a bonus. Others like the Panasonics as well, but if you're using it as a CD source I'd recommend the Sony.

For subs, I really like the RBH, but they're big and tall. Good with both music and video. That said, square rooms can sometimes play havoc with standing waves. I'd also consider a dipole sub, but they need to be away from the wall.