Recommended integrated amp for Sonus Faber Venere S

I recently bought a mint condition sonus faber venere S. However i can't demo them at home or at any dealers because the venere s was discontinued. I had the chance to listen my speaker with audio research tube set up and i was blown away but Audio research is way over my budget. I mainly listen to jazz, blue , soul and vocal. My budget is around 3500 €. The cheaper the better since i also have to get a CD player. I have done some research and my list are: accuphase e-270, musical fidelity m6si, rotel ra 1592 , a integerated Hegel or esoteric i-03 ( im getting a good deal but never heard of them before). Thanks
If you don't want a tube integrated amp then I would suggest you look for one of the used Plinius integrated amps that fall within your price range.
They have the power to drive any speaker although your speakers are efficient and the Plinius line is tube-like in sound.
I also agree that the integrated amps mentioned above by gongli3 and I own and like Luxman.

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You are not a tube guy? Some people swear by it - gives it that warm lively sound signature. How about YAQIN MC-13S EL34 (6CA7) from Amazon for mere $707? No brand recognition to pay for the hype, so you get more bang for the money. There are some quality products coming out of China these days - if you know where to look, although most of them are not good.

Among the ones you mentioned, Accuphase and Musical Fidelity should meet your hifi ambitions.

Luxman, and McIntosh also makes good sounding integrated in your price point.

If you are into that British sound, take a look here for reviews of many good offerings by the British:

You don’t have to spend a lot to get a quality CD player these days - especially second hand. I like the sound of something like affordable adcom second hand, although some people swear by tube CD players - even they are less than $1000 these days.

I also like this sub $1000 integrated -

If you are open to pre-power combo, try to hear on Parasound and Adcom and Mcintosh used (Ifyou mind second hand). You will get more quality for the money...