Recommended Preamp for Pass Labs XA30.8 and why

DAC: MSB Analog
Transport: MSB Platinum DATA CD IV
Cables: MIT Shotgun S1.3 Interconnect & Bi-wire speaker cable
Speakers: Esoteric MG-20

Considered Options:

Audio Research LS27
Conrad-Johnson ET3SE
Aesthetix Calypso Signature
PS Audio BHK Signature
Luxman CL-38u 

This is my very first post in the forum.
Since my speakers' balance has clearly been optimized for clarity and detail rather than warmth and richness
according to Stereophile's review, I prefer a tube preamp.
The MIT interconnect comes with adjustable impedance switching, so impedance matching isn't a major concern.
I prefer a smooth, detailed & balanced sound with wide and deep soundstages. 
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you so very much.
Pass xa30.8 is a robust and full sounding amp. It is not quickest though. I would suggest to get a preamp that is fast! Linear tube audio is a good option. So is CJ and ARC. Any preamp that slows down the proceedings a bit to favor tonal fullness or bloom should be avoided with these Pass amps.

Welcome! eddiekuo

you cannot go wrong w/ Aesthetix, ARC or CJ.
At this price-point and level of performance, listen to the models of interest prior to buying.
The the new Micro ZOTL version with 3 inputs and remote is called the MZ2-S. I have ordered one and will have it next week. I already own 2 Micro ZOTL's and can say that it's the finest preamp I've ever heard. The only thing that's hard to believe is the price. you can't go wrong with a trial period. If you don't like it send it back, even the shipping is cheap because the thing weights next to nothing.

My XP20 does have a tape loop which I do use hooked up to a headphone amp. 
The Rogue Audio RP-5 tube preamp fits the bill.  Plenty of inputs and a great MM MC phono stage, plus a processor loop and outputs for headphones.  I am positively thrilled with mine and I have a;ways had tube preamps.  It also is remote controlled and is dead quiet, even with the volume all the way up, no hiss whatsoever.